Gaza Strip Gifted with Slingshots by American Company
By Sasha Vonnegut
Associated Press
In an unprecedented move Acme Toy Company of Trenton, New Jersey has shipped two crates of slingshots to the war-torn region of Palestine known as the Gaza Strip. In what has been called an ‘insensitive’ and ‘outrageous’ act by religious leaders domestically, the toy company delivered upwards of 20,000 Bulls-Eye Sharp Shooter slingshots that it intends to distribute free of charge on the streets of Palestine.
Roberto Sanchez, corporate director of marketing for Acme Toy Company, explained the genesis of the idea, “We were watching the news one day after work at the beginning of Israel’s latest bombardment of the west bank and we saw these kids and adults crouching in the streets and throwing rocks at the Israeli soldiers and their tanks. And it just hit us how ridiculous it was that they’ve been throwing rocks for centuries over there as their main means of defense and offense. The Israelis have helicopters, tanks, missiles, jets, machine guns, and another thing that the Palestinian kids don’t have, shoes. Due to the economic downturn our sales have been pretty slim and shrinking so we were looking for ways to cut costs and we’ve had this excess slingshot inventory that we’re just paying to store so I suggested we unload it.”
Rabbi Samuel Schmielberg of the Center for Jewish Studies in New York City has called for a boycott of the company, an immediate apology, and to attempt to recall every slingshot already on the streets. “The short-sightedness of this publicity stunt on the part of Acme Toy Company is galling. Not only will these boys be targeted by Israeli soldiers due to the increased rock-power of the slingshots but some serious damage could be done with these Bulls-Eye’s to the Israeli forces. I mean, not to be trite, but someone could lose an eye. ‘
The shipment has come at an exceptionally delicate time since the first cease-fire of the Israeli offensive into Hamas territory is only in its third day. People watching the situation point out that the kids normally throwing rocks are not that familiar with cease-fire rules nor are they potentially subject to the punishments for breaking the cease-fire. And they may want to test their new arsenal at the first chance they get. Other conditions are conducive to a full offensive since ammunition for the slingshots is not scarce; most commercial and some residential buildings in the central business district have been reduced to rubble and debris in the last two weeks of Israeli bombardment. Much of the infrastructure has been reconstituted as perfect ammunition for the Bulls-Eye Sharp Shooter slingshot.
“We really just wanted to bring the Palestinians into the 20th century, not even the 21st . People should be thanking us for our generosity and altruism,” argued company president Tom Slenske.
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